TVC “Homair”

No more greyness, long live the holidays! I am very happy to share with you my latest TVC for Homair

Fini la grisaille, vive les vacances ! Je suis très heureux de vous partager ma dernière publicité TV pour Homair que nous avons tourné dans l’un de leurs campings cet été et où on a listé toute une série d’activités de vacances en plein air sous le regard d’un petit garçon au sein d’une belle petite famille. J’ai aussi assuré la campagne photos pour le site internet et les déclinaisons print. Une belle expérience de tournage qui donne envie de soleil… Merci encore à toute l’équipe !

Quelques images du projet :

Quelques images du making of :


Günther Gheeraert is a renowned director known for his magnificent travel films that are both poetic and sensitive. Through each film, he invites us to explore stunning landscapes around the world and discover various cultures. Emotion always remains at the heart of his work, serving as an endless source of inspiration. He has extensively worked on the theme of childhood, with Disneyland Paris, being a loyal client for several years. He has also become a specialist in food films with a comedic touch. Additionally, he has collaborated with diverse brands such as Euromillions, Monabanq, Nestlé or Orange and has won 5 Vimeo Staff Picks and several FWA awards.

Web Serie “Orange 5G - Sports”


Web Serie “Orange 5G - Industrie 4.0”